Welcome to Union Hill Baptist Church!

Dear Friends,

We are delighted to share with you some information about us and hope that you find it helpful. This church exists for the glory of God. We are confessionally a Southern Baptist church who has covenanted together for the purpose of glorifying the Triune God--Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We understand how to do that through God's Word. Therefore, we believe that expositional preaching is the best way for our congregation to hear and do what God has said. That means we normally work completely through books of the Bible with obvious emphases at Christmas and Easter and other things along the way. 

Our worship is simple but intentional. We believe that we should follow the Biblical pattern of revelation and response. God has spoken and upon hearing this, we respond in various ways as a congregation assembled before him. We want God as the center and audience of our worship and the way we do that is by having the Scriptures at the center. We want to pray the Bible, sing the Bible, read the Bible and preach the Bible. The Lord is the object of our worship and God alone has decided how his people worship that we might stir one another up to love and good deeds. 

As a congregation, we gather also for fellowship. We are a people who come from different walks of life but our fellowship is through who we are in the gospel. The one anothers are important to us, especially loving one another. We want to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. Being intentional about serving each other through checking on, praying or simply taking a meal to those who are sick or grieving, we take fellowship seriously as a church. 

While glorifying God is our never-ending purpose, we do have a mission mandated from the Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations until the end. We do that by gladly going, baptizing and teaching. We go locally and abroad. We participate through giving and sending. We give specifically to our local association (Harvest Baptist Association), state missions (Golden State),  continental missions (North American Mission Board) and international mission (International Mission Board). From our local Help Center here in Goodlettsville to the ongoing work in Cuba training pastors and leaders, we intend to gladly participate in the Great Commission. 

We also are seeking to be a healthy church that will continue to be a light here in our community until Christ returns. We want membership to mean something and church discipline to protect the ongoing witness of the Christ's church. We want to maintain sound doctrine and sound practice. A clear understanding of the gospel and how people are converted are essential. Ongoing discipleship is very important to us. We believe that you should be growing in Christ-likeness and helping others do the same. From one-on-one discipleship to the corporate gathering, we intend to give ourselves completely unto the Lord. We want to know Christ and make him known. 

We don't do any of these things perfectly. We are a work in progress but we believe God's grace is at work among us to conform us not to the world but to Christ. In the power of the Holy Spirit and through his infalliable and all-sufficient Word, the Lord Jesus will accomplish his purposes in us for his glory. 

As a part of our mission, we would love to be of help to you. For that matter, we would love for you to be of help to us, as we serve God with a Christ-centered focus. Whether it is Union Hill, or some other place, pray that God would show you where to commit yourself to His people in His service.

In Christ,

Pastor Jason Snider

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